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Extreme South 2012

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June 2012. 'Furthest South' - 49°53"S - Horse Point, St. Agnes, the Scilly Isles

The furthest south you can get in the United Kingdom depends to an extent on your point of view as to whether or not the Channel Islands should be included. Strictly speaking, the Channel Islands are not part of the United Kingdom - and hence the most southerly point in the United Kingdom is Horse Point, on St. Agnes - the southernmost island in the Scilly Isles.

The only parts of the United Kingdom that have a latitude of 49° are the Scilly Isles and parts of the mainland around the southern tip of Lizard Point, Cornwall.

Getting to St. Agnes from West Sussex requires a drive to Penzance in Cornwall, and then a helicopter trip from Penzance to the main island of the Scillies - St. Marys.

From St. Marys, a short boat ride can be taken to St. Agnes. From there, it is a mile or so to walk to Horse Point, across Wingletang Down.

Horse Point

Looking south, The only thing further south is the Bishop Rock lighthouse....

Take a look at the Scilly Isles Photo Gallery HERE