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New Highdown

Extreme West 2009

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May 2009. 'Furthest West' - Longitude 8°34"W - St Kilda, The Outer Hebrides

The trip to St Kilda from West Sussex requires a plane, a car, and a boat. Getting there required me to catch a flight from Gatwick to Stornoway airport on Lewis. At the airport I picked up a hire car and drove the 50+ miles from Stornoway to Leverburgh on Harris.

At Leverburgh I had booked a B&B to stay. From the port of Leverburgh I had booked a seat on a small power cruiser to take me to the Island of Hirta, St Kilda. The sea crossing took about three hours:

Once on Hirta, I was given about 4 hours to roam about taking photos. Most of the other people who were on the cruiser seemed to be birdwatchers. They all walked up to the higher ground on Hirta. I stayed most of the time in and around the abandoned village.

The return from St Kilda visited the neighbouring island of Boreray.

Take a look at the St Kilda Photo Gallery HERE